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Scorpio Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio

Week of 22nd July 2024 to 28th July 2024

Rita Ann Freeman's Weekly Forecast:


Dear Scorpio, this week strategic solitude might serve you well in tasks. Evening social interactions require careful management to prevent conflicts. Prioritize securing solid foundations in all endeavors for long-term benefits. Monday, the 22nd, challenges abound as cooperation is scarce, leaving you better off working alone rather than with others who may only complicate matters. Tuesday, the 23rd, marks a significant improvement, with an influx of positive news and opportunities for progress in family and work affairs, allowing you to recover any lost ground from the previous day. Wednesday, the 24th, your mental agility is at its peak, sparking innovative ideas that quickly turn into fruitful actions. Thursday, the 25th, you might experience a moment of profound insight, solving a longstanding issue and freeing yourself from its burden. Friday, the 26th, is ideal for planning and advancing your projects with the support of those around you, as requests for help are met with positive responses. Saturday, the 27th, offers the perfect opportunity for personal time, encouraging you to engage in activities that please you the most. Sunday, the 28th, is enjoyable for social interactions. However, caution is advised towards the evening as your patience may wear thin, particularly with certain zodiac signs.


This week, romantic energies are favorable, especially from Thursday to Sunday, though the intensity from earlier in the week might feel overwhelming. For those considering a deeper commitment, observe your partner's reactions closely. Excessive aggression or unpredictability could signal the need for caution. If discussions about advancing your relationship arise, consider postponing them until late August, when astrological conditions will better support heartfelt communication and decision-making. This week is crucial for assessing the strength and stability of your romantic connections. Ensure that any commitments made are based on a solid understanding of each other's expectations and feelings. For single Scorpios, while the week offers potential, it's important to approach new relationships with mindfulness, as first impressions may not fully reveal someone's true nature. Read the weekly partner horoscope...


Expect friends to seek both your company and your support this week. While it's important to be there for them, particularly those navigating personal challenges, maintain boundaries around financial or risky favors. With the weekend poised for travel complications, caution with lending personal items like cars is advised. Your willingness to help should not extend to compromising your security or well-being. This is a week to demonstrate compassion but also practicality, especially in protecting your interests while supporting those you care about.


This week may define some crucial aspects of your career. Large-scale deals or projects might come to fruition, offering significant advancement or financial benefits. However, the end of the week could bring challenges, particularly involving travel or long-distance communications. Prepare for a drop in cooperation as the weekend approaches, and try to secure necessary agreements or commitments by Friday. This strategic timing will help you avoid potential conflicts or misunderstandings that could arise from less favorable astrological conditions over the weekend.

General Overview by Deborah Browning

Dear Scorpio, this week focuses on your professional life as the Sun enters Leo, spotlighting your tenth house of career and public reputation. This is a powerful time for advancement and demonstrating your capabilities to others. Be prepared, though, as the Sun's opposition to Pluto may bring intense encounters or challenges from authority figures or within your career path. These challenges are opportunities for growth—use them to showcase your resilience and adaptability. As the Moon moves through Pisces, it encourages you to release any outdated career goals and embrace new aspirations that truly reflect your passions and strengths. The latter part of the week brings a shift towards a more grounded approach to your ambitions, thanks to Mercury's entry into Virgo. Focus on organizing and detailing the steps needed to achieve your professional dreams. Read more...